Products & Availability
We are a wholesale only location and require a $500 minimum order. We are not open to the public. View our current product list below. Please note that availability is subject to change, please call or email your request to confirm availability and pickup or delivery arrangements.
ASH, GREEN (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) |
BEAUTYBERRY (Callicarpa americana) |
BLACK WALNUT (Juglans nigra) |
BLUEBERRY, HIGHBUSH (Vaccinium corymbosum) |
BUTTONBUSH (Cephalanthus occidentalis) |
CEDAR, RED (Juniperus spp.) |
CRABAPPLE (Malus augustifolia) |
CRAPE MYRTLE (Lagerstroemia indica) |
CYPRESS, BALD (Taxodium distichum) |
CYPRESS, POND (Taxodium ascendens) |
ELDERBERRY (Sambucus canadensis) |
ELM, AMERICAN (Ulmus americana) |
ELM, CEDAR (Ulmus crassifolia) |
ELM, WINGED (Ulmus alata) |
FETTERBUSH (Lyonia lucida) |
GALLBERRY (Ilex glabra) |
GUM, BLACK (Nyssa sylvatica) |
GUM, SWAMP TUPELO (Nyssa sylvatica “biflora’) |
HICKORY, PIGNUT (Carya glabra) |
HICKORY, WATER (Carya aquatic) |
HOLLY, DAHOON (Ilex cassine) |
HOLLY, YAUPON (Ilex vomitoria) |
HORNBEAM (Carpinus caroliniana) |
MAGNOLIA, SOUTHERN (Magnolia grandiflora) |
MAGNOLIA, SWEETBAY (Magnolia virginiana) |
MAPLE, RED (Acer rubrum) |
MAYHAW (Crateagus paca) |
OAK, BUR (Quercus macrocarpa) |
OAK, CHERRYBARK RED (Quercus falcata) |
OAK, LAUREL (Quercus hemispherica) |
OAK, LIVE (Quercus virginiana) |
OAK, MONTERAY (Quercus polymorpha) |
OAK, MYRTLE (Quercus myrtifolia) |
OAK, NORTHERN RED (Quercus rubra) |
Your FavoriteNursery
Central Florida Lands and Timber Nursery, LLC. is a wholesale nursery specializing in a wide array of trees and shrubs. With an inventory of over 2 million trees and shrubs, CFLTN, LCC can meet the needs of customers, whether it be reforestation, mitigation, or landscaping.
(386) 294-1211
3087 North County Road 53 Mayo, Florida 32066